
Landscove Curriculum

Landscove Curriculum Statement
We are a school that is built on success stories; some big, some small, some public but most private. The message is simply that we want all the children to feel the warm glow of success and be motivated individuals who are constantly striving to unlock their potential to do exceptional things.

Our curriculum has been designed making best use of our unique staff and their varying experiences and skills, our children’s passions and interests and the passions of our families who often share their expertise with us. We have many distinctive attributes; most significantly, our local community and rural location; not far from moorland or coast. We make the best use of our outdoor spaces including our Wild Woodland Learning area, school garden, our local beaches, Dartmoor and enrichment through our planned personal development opportunities and core offer.

Our School Values are the bedrock upon which our curriculum is built. They enable us to live out our school vision every day. Our core values (Respect, Responsibility, Perseverance, Trust, Empathy & Forgiveness) are elements of our character that we feel are vital to ensure we are the best version of ourselves and are ready to make a meaningful difference to the world around and beyond us. Children are empowered to have a voice and make a difference. They know that what they say is valued and will be listened to and considered. Our values are part-and-parcel of our curriculum design and feed into all that we are and all that we do.

Our core offer and enrichment                                                                                         

Please see our long term curriculum plan and planned personal development opportunities. This details enrichment, and planned opportunities for personal growth.     

In addition to this we have our core offer.                                                                             

During their time in our school, children will be offered the opportunity to:

  • GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP: to offer a range of opportunities which allow children to develop an understanding nature, causes and effects of global poverty and climate injustice with the aim to empower the next generation to be of agents of change.
  • THE ARTS: To take part in an annual Arts week and exhibit their work or perform to our parents and wider community (artist joins for the week)
  • FOOD AND FARMING: To experience local produce from the field to the plate and cook in a professional kitchen. Using our own school kitchen as a source of first-hand experience.
  • RICHER LIFE EXPERIENCES: to ensure learning uses a wide variety of hooks and experiences to enthuse and motivate our leaners in all areas of the curriculum



Curriculum Statements